Test Publishers and Test Websites

Achenbach System of Empirically-Based Assessment (ASEBA) - publisher of the Child Behavior Checklist and other behavior checklists

Checkmate Plus - publisher of the Child, Adolescent, and Adult Symptom Inventories

MHS Assessments - test publisher

Pearson Assessments - publishers of the Wechsler scales and many other widely used tests

Pro-Ed - publishers of tests including several popular achievement tests

Psychological Assessment Resources (PAR) - publisher and reseller of many psychological tests

Psychological Corporation - now part of Pearson Assessment, publishers of many clinical psychological tests, including the Wechsler scales

Stoelting Co. - publisher of the Leiter, Stroop Color-Word Test, and numerous other products

Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) - test of attention and concentration

Western Psychological Services - publisher of cognitive and personality tests


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