The QHS-R is a 20 item caregiver-report questionnaire that measures functional everyday hearing quality in children and adolescents. A self-report version of the QHS-R for adolescents and adults is also under development. For more detailed information about the QHS-R, please see the links below, starting with the "QHS-R Permissions and Use" document. A description of QHS-R content and subscales is contained in the document "QHS-R Scoring and Interpretation." The QHS-R is intended for use only by qualified professionals. Before using the QHS-R, you must agree to the "QHS-R Permissions and Use" document (please be sure to send the exact wording in the document to the email address) and obtain permission from the scale author, William Kronenberger, Ph.D., at You will then be provided with a free password to open the files.
Background Information on the QHS-R:
QHS-R Versions (password required; see "Permissions and Use" document):
References for the QHS-R: